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About Us

About Us

OK, maybe we're not this big, but our consulting staff consists of clinical psychologists, addiction experts, psychiatrists, licensed clinical social workers and physicians working in tandem with experts in test design and computer programming. TestSTAT designs computer-based testing programs. We have developed:
• Methods for state governments to assess pre-employment corrections officers’ psychological status.
• Medicare reimbursable procedures used over thousands of patients to diagnose dementia and differentiate it from Mild Cognitive Impairment.
• Diagnostic programs to differentiate treatable medical issues in women’s sexual dysfunction, from mental health issues.
• In-patient as well as out-patient testing tools used in many hospital and community-based settings.
Our chief administrator is a retired hospital CEO with decades of for-profit experience assuring us of a solid reimbursable business model for the PME. Our chief clinician and test designer is a clinical neuropsychologist with nearly 40 years of inpatient/outpatient evaluation experience.

The result is the elegant
Pain Management Evaluation which is easy to administer right in your waiting room. The results are presented formally in a Report that is instantly emailed to you via a PDF which can be printed and/or uploaded into any Electronic Health Record (EHR). The patient can view and print a shorter, less clinical Report. Our tools also assess patients' potential for complementary medical approaches. Expand your practice to include these “cash reimbursable” services.

TestSTAT assists pain clinics and medical practices to provide safer pain management. We believe pain medications work and are useful–many of our staff, including this writer, have relied on such medications, in order to function. Caution needs to be used with opioids and we deal with addiction issues in our own families on a daily basis. But, the fact is that opioid pain medications work and are here to stay; from 1992 to 2002 the rate of their prescriptions increased at three times the rate of scripts written for all other drugs.

We offer practical reimbursable tools to assess addiction risk, minimizing HCP time by using extenders to computer-administer our test, while maximizing meaningful diagnostic information and reimbursement.

We are doctors too, and we don’t believe we should work for free. HCPs do need to recognize their central role in patient care regarding mental health, but not by using non reimbursed screening tests yielding useless information. We believe the screening measures now required by Medicare are often done in a cursory manner given the resentment HCPs have at being “ordered” to do something not even worthy of being paid for.

Finally, we would hope to be in the forefront of non-medication pain treatment, helping HCPs gradually recognize and shift to alternative interventions, again by
getting them paid to do so.

Protect Yourself
Prescriber Monitoring Programs (PMPs) are in place in 48 states and can help you weed out "doctor shoppers" looking for pain killers, when and if the programs work. But, patients without any history of drug abuse/treatment are also at risk for addiction. In fact, 1-out-of-20 of your patients without prior history of substance abuse will become addicted to pain killers, and many then move on to heroin.

You need to use the best methods available to assess for that risk and then
document it recognizing the FDA may provide the guidelines, but it’s the DEA who comes knocking at (or knocking down) your door if they believe you are prescribing too freely.

No, we at TestSTAT are not paid or supported in any way by any pharmaceutical company or trade group. We have no bias to disclose–we are mental health professionals with decades of experience in working with pain patients and online test design.

Yes, we are a profit-making enterprise, and charge a small fee for the instruments we offer.
TestSTAT’s income goes right back into research and test development, as we are also practicing HCPs.

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Contact us as the email link at the bottom of any page of this WebSite.